Saturday, February 15, 2020

Southeast Medical Center Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Southeast Medical Center Case Study - Essay Example In addition, other development projects resulted in the establishment of freestanding rehabilitation center with a 59 bed capacity. Moreover, SMC management also established a physicians’ building that served as their office. Besides, in 1989 the hospital acquired medical helicopters and expanded its trauma services. Furthermore, the hospital has grown into a neonatal, transplant care, and burn center within the State. Other strategic plans have led into SMC expansion into a large referral center for both local and international health care. The hospital boasts of more than 800 beds for acute care. In addition, development projects have resulted into establishment SMC community centers in various locations across the State. Consequently, the hospital has specialized in the provision of unique, sophisticated medical services that attracts numerous foreign patients. Moreover, SMC provides ambulatory services and facilities for health plan. The hospital operates an HMO health plan for charity care patients. The health care plan acts as a Medicaid insurance for States citizens who cannot afford health services (Wolper, 2011). SMC has also undergone various changes in its governance form public hospital to a private institution. In 1920s hospital board managed the hospital that later changed to a public authority. After board of trustees voted to turn the hospital over to private management, SMC has remained a not-for-profit academic health facility. Despite expansion of SMC, the hospital struggles from financial shortage. Shortage of finances has resulted from State’s decision of not providing a subsidy for SMC. Shortage of finances has resulted into the hospital loss of competitive advantage in the market. In addition, SMC cannot afford modern facilities relevant for teaching, research, and provision of health care. Consequently, SMC decided to increase costs of medical

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Research Project Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Project - Research Paper Example Even though both sexes carry the mutation, the females rarely exhibit the signs of the disease. The symptoms may be visible in early infancy and appear in male children before the age of 6. Laboratory testing can establish the children who carry the active mutation at birth (Dalkilic & Kunkel, 2003). At first, progressive proximal muscle weakness of the pelvis and legs that are associated with a loss in muscle mass. Eventually, this weakness spreads to the neck, arms and other areas. The early signs consist of enlargement of the deltoid and calf muscle, difficulties in standing without help, and low endurance. As the condition progresses, there is wasting of the muscle tissue. By the age of 12, most patients are usually dependent on the wheel chair. Symptoms that occur in the later stage include abnormal development of the bone that leads to deformities of the skeleton. As a result of muscle deteroriation, there is occurrence of the loss of movement, in the long run it leads to paralysis. The average life expectancy for the DMD patients is about 25 years. The diagnoses of the disease include DNA testing, muscle biopsy, and prenatal tests. First, the muscle-specific isoform of the dysrtophin gene is made up of 79 exons. DNA tests and analysis determine the particular type of mutation of the exon (s) that is affected. Secondly, muscle biopsy entails extraction of a small sample of muscle tissue. A dye is then applied to reveal the presence of the dystrophin. Lastly, prenatal tests establish if the unborn child has the most common mutations. The X-linked recessive gene carries the DMD. Males have one X chromosome implying that one copy of the mutated gene will lead to DMD. The mutation is transferred by the mother since fathers cannot pass the X-linked traits to their sons. When the mother is a carrier, one of her X chromosomes has a DMD mutation. In that respect, there is 50 % chance that the